The Town of Bremen engaged JPR to oversee, manage, and provide construction inspection services for a 1 MGD gravity filtration plant. This newly constructed facility serves as the Town’s second active filtration plant, which was much needed due to a high water demand by industries located in Town. Upon completion of the project, this 4-cell gravity filtration unit became the single largest gravity filter unit built by Tonka in the United States. Another unique feature about this filtration plant is that it allows the Town to continue production of water at rated capacity, even during filter cell maintenance work or during a backwash cycle. Given the high water demand, the ability to continuously function was necessary.
Project features included construction of a new service well, building to house the filter unit, backwash detention tank, lab, chemical room, complete overhaul of the Town’s telemetry network allowing the two filtration plants to be operated remotely, and more.
The project was completed below the original bid amount, while several additional features were added to the project. The filtration plant was commissioned in early 2016.