Bremen Downtown Streetscape

Bremen, Indiana

JPR aided the Town of Bremen with the preliminary conceptual design phase for their downtown streetscape. The conceptual design focused on the downtown area of Plymouth Street (from Montgomery Street to Washington Street) and Center Street (from North Street to South Street).

Due to multiple resurfacing projects on Plymouth Street, the asphalt of the street in some areas is higher than that of the neighboring sidewalks. JPR worked with the Town of Bremen to develop a conceptual plan that would address this drainage issue, while also enhancing the entire downtown streetscape. During the conceptual design process, JPR also developed preliminary cost estimates to provide the Town of Bremen with estimated costs for the various options and phases of this downtown streetscape project.

Since completing the conceptual plans, JPR has conducted vault inspections and a topographic survey, providing JPR with detailed knowledge of the existing downtown infrastructure.

Contact JPR for more information regarding this project.
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